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From Fairfax & Vienna
Take a Rt. 50 west
Make a right turn on Metrotech drive
Make a left turn as soon as getting into Metrotech Drive (CAUTION: there is NO signal or stop sign so yield ongoing traffics)
From Reston & Ashburn
Take Centreville Road heading south
(or take Rt.28 South and exit Rt.50 Fairfax)
Make a left turn on Metrotech Drive
Make a right turn when you see Tacobell (the last intersection of Metrotech Drive)
From Centreville & Manassas
Take Rt. 28 North and exit Rt.50 Fairfax
Make a left turn on Metrotech Drive
Make a left turn as soon as getting into Metrotech Drive (CAUTION: there is NO signal or stop sign so yield ongoing traffics)
From South Riding & Winchester
Take Rt. 50 East
Make a left turn on the second signal after passing Rt. 28
Make a right turn on Metrotech Drive
Make a right turn when you see Tacobell (the last intersection of Metrotech Drive)